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Results 1 - 10 of 42 > >>
EC Number KM Value [mM] KM Value Maximum [mM] Substrate Commentary Reference
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - more kinetic data, temperature-dependent effects on kinetic parameters, self-assembly alters the Km for GTP 659389
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - more Michaelis-Menten kinetics 757169
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - more steady-state GTPase activities of recombinant Drp1 GTPase-GTPase effector fusion protein 733016
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP 22°C, wild-type dynamin, basal GTPase activity 659389
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP 22°C, wild-type dynamin, lipid tubule stimulated GTPase activity 659389
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP K142A mutant of the GTPase domain of dynamin 659996
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP T141Q mutant of the GTPase domain of dynamin 659996
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP wild-type dynamin 659996
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP T65A mutant of the GTPase domain of dynamin 659996
Display the word mapDisplay the reaction diagram Show all sequences - GTP - 644186
Results 1 - 10 of 42 > >>