G486R slaty light mutation, 28fold reduction in enzyme activity, sliding of transmembrane domain towards N-terminus of protein thus interfering with the active site. Increase in pheomelanin and reduction in eumelanin produced by melanocytes in culture 661009 additional information enzyme knockout mutant, animals are viable and do not show any abnormalities in skin, retinal pigment epithelium, or brain. Animals show a diluted coat colour phenotype due to reduced melanin content in hair. Primary melanocytes from knockout animals are viable in culture and show a normal distribution of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein 1 662850 additional information modification of Pro1, e.g. via isothiocyanate inhibitors, alters the tertiary, but not the secondary or quaternary, structure of the trimer without affecting its thermodynamic stability, overview 702357 additional information preparation of biotin-isothiocyanate-labeled enzyme, proteomic screening in recombinant HeLa cells and identification of the modification site by mass spectrometry 702139 P1G generation of knockout mice in which the endogenous mif gene is replaced by one encoding a tautomerase-null, Pro1-Gly1 MIF protein, i.e. P1G-MIF, which is P1G-MIF is catalytically completely inactive, but maintains significant, albeit reduced, binding to its cell surface receptor CD74 and to the intracellular binding protein JAB1/CSN5. Mutant mice show a phenotype in assays of growth control and tumor induction that is intermediate between those of the wild type mif+/+ and complete MIF deficiency mif-/-, overview. Reduced development of benzo[alpha]pyrene-induced skin tumors in mif-deficient mice 705691 P1G inactive 727347 R194Q slaty mutation, 3fold reduction in enzyme activity compared to wild-type. Increase in pheomelanin and reduction in eumelanin produced by melanocytes in culture 661009