E103Q turnover-number for hydrolysis of Ap4A is 3.2% of that of the wild-type enzyme, KM-value is 66% of the wild-type value 656173 E122Q fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser-Pro-Asn-Cys. KM-value is 20% of the wild-type value, turnover-number is 50% of the wild-type value. 2.3fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489 E125Q fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser. KM-value is 0.7% of the wild-type value, turnover-number is 56% of the wild-type value. Cleavage of (2'-pdA)AppppA to produce ATP and 2'-deoxyadenylated AMP rather than 2'-deoxyadenylated ATP + AMP as with wild-type enzyme, the ratio of ATP released is increased compared to wild-type. 83fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489 E52Q turnover-number for hydrolysis of Ap4A is 0.02% of that of the wild-type enzyme, KM-value is 60% of the wild-type value 656173 E55Q fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension of Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser. KM-value is 4.8% of the wild-type value, turnover-number is 0.01% of the wild-type value. Activity with (2'-pdA)AppppA is to low to be detected. More than 330fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489 E56Q turnover-number for hydrolysis of Ap4A is 0.001% of that of the wild-type enzyme, KM-value is 90% of the wild-type value 656173 E58A crystallization data 733257 E58D fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser-Pro-Asn-Cys. KM-value is 38.4% of the wild-type value, turnover-number is 9% of the wild-type value. Cleavage of (2'-pdA)AppppA to produce ATP and 2'-deoxyadenylated AMP rather than 2'-deoxyadenylated ATP + AMP as with wild-type enzyme, the ratio of ATP released is increased compared to wild-type. 16.7fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489 E58Q fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser-Pro-Asn-Cys. KM-value is 80% of the wild-type value, turnover-number is 43.9% of the wild-type value. 6.7fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489 E59D fusion protein containing and N-terminal extension Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Ser-Pro-Asn-Cys. KM-value is 4fold higher than the wild-type value, turnover-number is 0.02% of the wild-type value. Activity with (2'-pdA)AppppA is to low to be detected. 2fold reduction in sensitivity to fluoride 654489