E63Q catalytically inactive additional information enzyme downregulation, HEK293T cells are transiently transfected with siRNA targeting dCTPP1 or control siRNA. Wnt-responsive reporter gene assay is performed in HEK293T cells transiently transfected with SuperTOPFlash (STF) plasmid and siRNA targeting dCTPP1 or control siRNA additional information gene DCTPP1 silencing by siRNA additional information construction of DCTPP1-deficient MCF-7 cells, which exhibit increased uracil misincorporation and an activation of the DNA damage response. Downregulation of DCTPP1 expression impairs proliferation and perturbs the dNTP pool of MCF-7 cells. Modulation of the dUTP/dTTP ratio reduces genomic instability. The downregulation of DCTPP1 has profound consequences on cell cycle progression, nucleotide pools. Phneotype of a bona fide DCTPP1-knockout (DCTPP1-KO) cell line derived from the HAP1 cell line, overview. HAP1 is a near haploid human cell line that is derived from the male chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell line KBM-7, and deletion in exon 2 of the DCTPP1 gene is generated using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. No differences in the pool of dGTP are observed between HAP1 wild-type and DCTPP1-KO cell lines. dUTP pool with potential genotoxic consequences is exclusively detected in deficient cells. The dCTP pool is similar for HAP1 wild-type and DCTPP1-KO cell lines. DCTPP1-knockout cells exhibit normal proliferation in spite of an imbalanced nucleotide pool. DCTPP1-KO cells exhibit a hypermutator phenotype. The activation of the DNA damage response upon DCTPP1 inactivation can be reverted by the expansion of the dTTP pool or defects in uracil excision. Phenotypes, detailed overview