F117Y no change in regioselectivity 661923 F189A the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant produces only beta- and delta-biliverdins, but no alpha-biliverdin 742737 F189G the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant produces only beta- and delta-biliverdins, but no alpha-biliverdin 742737 F189L the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant produces only beta- and delta-biliverdins, but no alpha-biliverdin 742737 F189T the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant produces only beta- and delta-biliverdins, but no alpha-biliverdin 742737 G125V single-phase kinetics of transfer of heme from heme-binding protein PhuS 678146 H26A/K34A/K132A inactive 742894 K132A the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, but the mutant produces 12% of alpha-biliverdin in addition to the formation of normal beta- (26%) and delta- (62%) biliverdins 742737 K34A the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, but the mutant produces 11% of alpha-biliverdin in addition to the formation of normal beta- (34%) and delta- (55%) biliverdins 742737 K34A/K132A the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, but the mutant produces 18% of alpha-biliverdin in addition to the formation of normal beta- (27%) and delta- (56%) biliverdins 742737 additional information chromosomal knock-out gene bphO mutants shows identical growth behavior as the wild type under various conditions, the bphO mutant and the double mutant strain DELTAbphO show increased levels of pyocyanin, as well as decreased heat tolerance in the stationary phase, phenotypes, overview 692400 N19K no change in regioselectivity 661923 N19K/F117Y change in regioselectivity, producing alpha-biliverdin and less beta- and delta-biliverdin, enzyme exists as a mixture of molecules exhibiting 2 distinct heme seatings, one seating is identical to wild-type, the other is similar to that typical of alpha-hydroxylating heme oxigenases 661923 N19K/F117Y destabilization of heme within the protein, transfer of heme from heme binding protein PhuS is not affected and shows biphasic kinetics 678146 N19K/F117Y/K132A destabilization of heme within the protein, transfer of heme from heme binding protein PhuS is not affected and shows biphasic kinetics 678146 N19K/F117Y/K34N destabilization of heme within the protein, transfer of heme from heme binding protein PhuS is not affected and shows biphasic kinetics 678146 N19K/K34A/F117Y/K132A the mutant produces biliverdin-IX-alpha 742894 R80L mutant exhibits allmost global conformational disorder related to significantly lower efficiency to hydroxylate heme in the presence of H2O2 680357 T189W the heme degradation activity of the mutant is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant produces only beta- and delta-biliverdins, but no alpha-biliverdin 742737