3.4.23.B24 - 733343 3.4.23.B24 coexpression of HA-tagged enzyme SPP and fluoresecence-tagged (GFP, CFP, or YFP) substrate heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in HEK-293 cells 755157 3.4.23.B24 enzyme overexpression in Bacillus licheniformis, gene sppA is integrated into the genome 754637 3.4.23.B24 expression in HEK-293 cell 717212 3.4.23.B24 expression in HEK-293T cell 733269 3.4.23.B24 expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 733567 3.4.23.B24 functional ectopic overexpressing wild-type SPPL2c and catalytically inactive SPPL2c in HEK-293 cells, induction of SPPL2c overexpression with doxycycline. Neither SPP monomer nor SPP dimer is change in SPPL2c-expressing cells compared to control cells. Endogenous SPP expression is not affected by SPPL2c overexpression. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi morphology in HEK-293 cells with ectopic expression of SPPL2c, overview 753427, 753429 3.4.23.B24 gene spp1 or UMAG_02729, phylogenetic tree, quantitative RT-PCR enzyme expression analysis 755217 3.4.23.B24 gene sppA, phylogenetic analysis, recombinant expression of FLAG-tagged wild-type enzyme SppA and mutant D337A SppA in the Aspergillus nidulans DELTAsppA knockout mutant strain, recombinant expression of N-terminally YFP-tagged enzyme in wild-type Aspergillus nidulans 754762 3.4.23.B24 gene sppA, recombinant expression of HA-tagged enzyme SppA in HeLa cells, coexpression with FKBP8 754940