culture condition:dark-grown cell high expression in, no light-response during greening 656908 culture condition:dark-grown cell medium expression in, light-response during greening, expression in mature cells 656908 culture condition:dark-grown cell very high expression in, no light-response during greening, undetectable in mature cells 656908 culture condition:light-deprived cell - 763100 culture condition:light-grown cell undetectable in dark-grown cell, light-response during greening 656908 culture condition:light-grown cell undetectable in dark-grown cells, light response during greening. Expression in mature cells 656908 etiolated plant tissue LPOR-A is present in etiolated tissue. LPOR-A is expressed during early phases of development when large amounts of pigments need to be synthesized quickly, while LPOR-B and LPOR-C are responsible for the bulk chlorophyll synthesis of adult or green plants 763100 etiolated plant tissue LPOR-B is present in etiolated tissue. LPOR-A is expressed during early phases of development when large amounts of pigments need to be synthesized quickly, while LPOR-B and LPOR-C are responsible for the bulk chlorophyll synthesis of adult or green plants 763100 leaf - 393832, 393833, 393835, 393836, 393839, 393841, 393842, 393843, 393844, 393855, 393857, 656911, 657112, 689393, 689394, 689396, 689772, 689784, 726175, 741108, 741157, 741396 leaf carotinoid deficiency in norflurazon-treated leaves leads to a loser attachment of enzyme molecules to the lipid phase and its early dissociation from the membranes during the light-induced transformation of prolamellar bodies 672328