Acipenser ruthenus - 707144 Acipenser ruthenus 1758 - 707144 Amblysomus hottentotus Hottentot golden mole 682041 Bos taurus - 36461, 36482, 36486, 667370, 731622, 732901 Bos taurus bovine proacrosine 682041 Bradypus tridactylus fragment; pale-throated three-toed sloth 682041 Canis lupus familiaris - 710537 Canis lupus familiaris dog 682041 Capra hircus goat 36471 Cavia porcellus - 36478, 36481 Cavia porcellus preproacrosin, precursor, fragment; guinea pig 682041 Coturnix japonica japanese quail 718387 Cynocephalus volans fragment; Philippine flying lemur 682041 Diceros bicornis black rhinoceros 682041 Dugong dugon fragment 682041 Echinops telfairi lesser hedgehog tenrec 682041 Elephantulus edwardii fragement; Cape long-eared elephant shrew 682041 Equus caballus fragment; horse 682041 Erethizon dorsatum fragment; North American porcupine 682041 Euphractus sexcinctus fragment; six-banded armadillo 682041 Felis catus fragment; cat 682041 Galegeeska rufescens fragment; East African long-eared elephant shrew 682041 Gallus gallus - 36473, 36488 Homo sapiens - 36461, 36462, 36468, 36474, 36479, 36483, 36484, 668680, 668887, 692404, 692405, 707132, 709265, 717353, 717359, 717498, 717912, 731432, 731451, 731747, 753777, 755363 Homo sapiens infertile and fertile Nigerian men, fertile men are found to have higher acrosin activity in spermatozoa than infertile men, lower enzyme activity is found to correlate with increased morphological changes in the spermatozoa 680121 Homo sapiens infertile couples 668293 Homo sapiens patients with unexplained infertility and infertile males with low motility of semen 668678 Homo sapiens precursor 682041 Homo sapiens recombinant protein 668679 Hystrix brachyura fragment; Malayan porcupine 682041 Lama glama fragment 682041 Loxodonta africana fragment; African elephant 682041 Macaca mulatta - 682041 Macroscelides proboscideus fragment; short-eared elephant shrew 682041 Manis sp. DMR-2008 fragment 682041 Meleagris gallopavo - 36487, 717511, 732900, 732927 Mesocricetus auratus - 36480 Mus musculus - 36484, 682041 Ochotona princeps fragment; Southern American pika 682041 Orycteropus afer fragment; Aardvark 682041 Oryctolagus cuniculus - 36475 Oryctolagus cuniculus 3 forms with different molecular weight 36459 Oryctolagus cuniculus precursor 682041 Otospermophilus beecheyi fragment; Beechey ground squirrel 682041 Ovis aries - 651325, 653944 Ovis aries beta-acrosin, psi-acrosin 36464, 36466 Ovis aries precursor 682041 Pan troglodytes fragment; chimpanzee 682041 Procavia capensis fragment; rock dassie 682041 Puma concolor fragment; mountain lion 682041 Rattus fuscipes fragment; bush rat 682041 Rattus norvegicus precursor 682041 Sorex cinereus fragment; masked shrew 682041 Sus scrofa - 651272, 651325, 653944, 679420, 708045, 755574 Sus scrofa alpha-acrosin, beta-acrosin 36460 Sus scrofa male 36458, 36460, 36463, 36465, 36467, 36469, 36470, 36472, 36476, 36477, 36484, 36485 Sus scrofa proacrosin nucleotides 22-849 682041 Sylvilagus floridanus fragment; cottontail rabbit 682041 Tadarida brasiliensis fragment; Brazilian free-tailed bat 682041 Talpa europaea fragment; European mole 682041 Tapirus pinchaque fragment; mountain tapir 682041 Tragelaphus angasii fragment; nyala 682041 Trichechus manatus fragment; Caribbean manatee, West Indian manatee 682041 Tupaia glis fragment; tree shrew 682041 Tursiops truncatus fragment; Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin 682041