food industry chymosin constitutes a traditional ingredient for enzymatic milk coagulation in cheese making 731963 food industry coagulant for cheese making 708236 food industry the enzyme is used as milk coagulant in the cheese industry 731839 food industry the enzyme is used for the production of Reggianito cooked cheese 732234, 732235 food industry the enzyme is used industrially in cheese production 731064 food industry the enzyme plays an essential role in the coagulation of milk in the cheese industry 753908 food industry used as milk coagulant in cheese preparation 686199 food industry used for the production of dairy products 687229, 687241 additional information under typical cheese-making conditions (pH 6.6, 0-2 mM CaCl2) the clotting activity of camel chymosin is ca. 80% higher than the activity of bovine chymosin (average clotting activity of camel chymosin is 70% higher than the activity of bovine chymosin), camel chymosin is more thermostable than bovine chymosin 667435 synthesis use of chymosin to cleave a pro-chymosin derived fusion tag releasing native target proteins. After modification of the pro-chymosin fusion tag chymosin can remove this tag at more neutral pH 6.2, less prone to compromise the integrity of target proteins. Chymosin produces intact native target protein both at the level of small and large-scale preparations 710493