elastin + H2O - additional information - protease-activated receptor-2 + H2O - Val-Val-Arg + H2O - additional information Cat S is involved in degradtion of extracellular matrix and smooth muscle cell invasion, but not in adhesion and migration, overview, the enzyme shows elastolytic and collagenolytic activities on smooth muscle cell plasma membranes, overview additional information cathepsin S catalyzes a key step in antigen presentation, detailed overview additional information cathepsin S catalyzes a key step in antigen presentation, detailed overview, Cat S might be involved in psoriasis induction due to an increased interferon gamma level in the epidermis, Cat S is increased in neurons of Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome patients, where Cat S facilitates the formation of amyloidbeta from its precursor protein, Cat S might also be involved in asthma, Sjörgren's syndrome, allergen-specific T-cell proliferation in autoimmune processes, and atherosclerosis, overview additional information cathepsin S controls angiogenesis and tumor growth via matrix-derived angiogenic factors, the enzyme is required for neoplastic progression, overview additional information cathepsin S in professional antigen-presenting cells, APC, controls MHC class II-mediated antigen presentation by epithelial cells in vivo, and plays a critical role in invariant chain degradation additional information cathepsin S is a potent regulator of both cell and matrix turnover in advanced atherosclerosis