benfotiamine - 695145 benfotiamine not inhibitory on proliferation of insulinoma cell line INS-1. Treatment activates glucose metabolism in INS-1 cells in high-glucose culture conditions and maximizes the cells' ability to synthesize insulin. Treatment activates glucokinase 695145 cysteine activation, 10 mM 486006 ethanol activation, 1-10% v/v 486006 hydrogen peroxide oxidative stress increases tktA expression. Induces tktA at 1 h treatment, while an increase in marRAB operon expression occurs only after 3 h exposure 694217 additional information active centers of the enzyme are functionally nonequivalent with respect to ribose 5-phosphate binding 690697 additional information highest productivity unter slightly aerobic conditions 704746 additional information increased levels of TKTL1 transcript in tumors compared with their corresponding normal tissues. Positive correlation between TKTL1 protein expression in primary tumors and the number of metastatic lymph-nodes as well as the diameter of the largest metastatic area in lymph-nodes. High levels of TKTL1 transcript are a relevant phenomenon in small PTCs 691583 additional information positive transcriptional regulation of the talA-tktB operon by ppGpp 694236 additional information positive transcriptional regulation of the talA-tktB operon by ppGpp. Activation of tktB transcription by ppGpp occurs both through the modulation of RpoS levels and independent of RpoS 694236