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Fulltext Search ontologies

(tissue, processes, functions, components)
Enter your searchterm (use AND, OR, AND NOT for simple Boolean queries)
Search in all ontologies

search only in
selected ontologies
(hold the ctrl-key to select more than one field)


Click to start the examples
Different search modes

Click the icons to start example search!

Find exact 'liver' in all ontologies

Find all fields which contains 'apoptosis' in all ontologies

Find all fields which begins with 'alpha' in all ontologies

Find all fields which ends with 'hydrogenase' in all ontologies

Use the search mode use * as wildcard to find e.g. all fields beginning with two characters (_) followed by phospho, any characters and ends with activity => '__phospho*activity' in all ontologies

This search mode is definitely an expert mode. If you are not familiar with regular expressions read an introduction at wikipedia. Here a simple example '(reductase|dehydrogenase).*NAD([(]P[)])?'
Use 'AND', 'OR, or 'AND NOT' as logical links between search terms
Use 'AND', 'OR, or 'AND NOT'(always in capitals) to restrict or expand your search. For example you can search for cell OR brain AND NOT wall

Search in selected ontologies

You can restrict your search to selected ontologies. Search e.g. fields with 'contains' liver only in tissues and cellular components