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chlorophyllide a reductase
(1) 3-deacetyl-3-vinylbacteriochlorophyllide a + 2 oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ADP + phosphate = chlorophyllide a + 2 reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ATP + H2O + 2 H+;;(2) bacteriochlorophyllide a + 2 oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ADP + phosphate = 3-acetyl-3-devinylchlorophyllide a + 2 reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ATP + H2O + 2 H+;;(3) 3-deacetyl-3-(1-hydroxyethyl)bacteriochlorophyllide a + 2 oxidized ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ADP + phosphate = 3-devinyl-3-(1-hydroxyethyl)chlorophyllide a + 2 reduced ferredoxin [iron-sulfur] cluster + ATP + H2O + 2 H+;;
8 reduced ferredoxin + 8 H+ + N2 + 16 ATP + 16 H2O = 8 oxidized ferredoxin + H2 + 2 NH3 + 16 ADP + 16 phosphate
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