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Literature summary for extracted from

  • Al-Babili, S.; von Lintig, J.; Haubruck, H.; Beyer, P.
    A novel, soluble form of phytoene desaturase from Narcissus pseudonarcissus chromoplasts is Hsp70-complexed and competent for flavinylation, membrane association and enzymatic activation (1996), Plant J., 9, 601-612.
    View publication on PubMed


Cloned (Comment) Organism
expressed in insect cells using the baculovirus system Narcissus pseudonarcissus


Localization Comment Organism GeneOntology No. Textmining
chromoplast the soluble form is enzymatically inactive and a constituent of a larger Hsp 70-containing protein complex in the stroma, whereas the membrane-bound form is functional Narcissus pseudonarcissus 9509


Organism UniProt Comment Textmining
Narcissus pseudonarcissus

Source Tissue

Source Tissue Comment Organism Textmining
Narcissus pseudonarcissus
Narcissus pseudonarcissus


Cofactor Comment Organism Structure
additional information the soluble form of the enzyme is able to associate on to/into protein-free liposomal membranes made from chromoplast lipids, thereby gaining activity by binding added FAD. Once bound to membranes, activated phytoene desaturase works independently of any added FAD, employing membrane-bound electron acceptors. FAD exerts no positive effect on the membrane-association process, its role is confined to enzymatic activation Narcissus pseudonarcissus


Organism Comment Expression
Narcissus pseudonarcissus although carotenoid accumulation is strongly induced during flower development, only very low concentrations of phytoene desaturase transcripts are detectable, while the corresponding protein accumulates in low, but measurable amounts, appearing in soluble and membrane-bound states additional information